Viscount (1)
Basic info

First appearance: The New Jedi Order : Vector Prime
Model: Viscount-class Star Defender


The Viscount was the lead ship of the Viscount-class Star Defender line produced for the New Republic and later the Galactic Alliance. The Viscount's design was worked out after the Black Fleet Crisis when the New Republic military realized the need for more powerful dreadnoughts. By the time it was finished in 25 ABY, so many Super Star Destroyers had been captured by the New Republic, that the government considered halting construction on more ships. The Viscount herself was meant to be a prototype for the design and was built as a battlecruiser at 3 km in length. The subsequent full-scale vessels were 17 km-long dreadnoughts known as the Bounty and the Krakana.
Prior to the Yuuzhan Vong War, she fought rogue Imperial elements while the New Republic consolidated power throughout the galaxy, following the official end of the Galactic Civil War. Being the largest and most powerful of all Mon Calamari-designed warships, the Viscount and her sister ships were later put to good use during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Originally stationed at Coruscant, the warship was eventually deployed to Mon Calamari, following the reorganization of the New Republic into the Galactic Alliance. During the Defense of Mon Calamari, Admiral Traest Kre'fey deployed the Viscount as part of a trio of heavy warships that included the Super Star Destroyer Guardian and the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Harbinger. The long-range weapons on the Viscount were utilized to sow heavy damage on the Yuuzhan Vong armada.

See also

Complete list

Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount
SWM Starship Battles
Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount
Viscount-class Star Defender

Last updated: 07.09.2021 13:46:14